Portrait 1
Person leaning on a wooden structure
I love photography
Welcome to my website. I am Greg Meiser, I'm currently enroled at Mid-America Technology Center in Multimedia. I'm proficient at photography, Adobe Products, and fairly decent at Web Design. Before I was in Multimedia, I was in Audio Visual Integration at Mid-America so I have some skill in Audio Visual. I'm part of BPA, I and two other people had a virtual event project and made a comic con called Time;con for a virtual event and got 1st place in that and the other project was to market a video game, the game that we "made" was called Buck 'n Roll it was about a rockstar that got turned to a humanoid deer but we didn't get a medal, but I was happy to do it with my team.
Photo of me
Im really good at:
Web Design
Person leaning on a wooden structure
Person standing in a field
Two people leaning on each other
A docile acorn
A calm grasshopper
Leaf on a Tree
OKC Dodgers Player Catching a Baseball
Picture of someone taking a photo
Catcher for the OKC Dodgers
Back against light
Facing the light
Posing with the light
I'd love your feedback!
Swing by for a cup of , or leave me a note: